We woke around 8:00 to another beautiful Ukrainian day…not a cloud in the sky. But as we walked to the Internet café in the center of town, we discovered that today was going to be hot…like Africa Hot.
We stopped to exchange money, and then stuck our noses in an interesting looking shope that sold toys, electronics and watches. We found a watch to replace the one Masha broke the other day, and one for Mark and one for me as well! No longer must we dig out the phone to see what time it is!!
We made our way to the Internet café, where we both settled in to see what we’d be able to access today. I checked email and posted yesterday’s blog while Mark surfed a bit. When our time was up, we walked down the street to the rather large bazaar area. Covering several city blocks, local people set up stalls and sell just about anything from toilets to shoes to fish. We only made it through a fraction of the offerings before the heat got the better of us and we headed back to the air-conditioned bliss of the internet café.

Every coin has two sides. The heads…the air conditioning in this cafeteria rocked! It was nice and cool and wonderful inside. The tails…no one was eating there for a reason. The place looked like the VFW hall decorated for a wedding reception, and the food tasted about the same. The pelemeni were good (how can pelemeni be bad??), but the rest left a bit to be desired.

This might be a little too much information, but I have to share…My restroom strategy to this point has been to use the facilities at home the second before we leave in the morning, and to limit my liquid consumption to only what I can process and sweat out during the afternoon. So far I’ve been successful in avoiding the public restrooms…knock on wood. (and I’m sure I’ll hear from all of you about how unhealthy this is, but if you look at the photo of this bathroom, you’ll see that it’s the lesser of two evils!)

When we had all eaten our fill of ice cream, we returned the girls to the orphanage and said our goodbyes. After this, we asked our driver to run back to our apartment to pick up the laptop…I had seen a little WiFi symbol on a poster at Papa Karlo’s cafeteria yesterday and wanted to check it out to see if it was for real.

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