Monday, October 24, 2011

Seven Things to Learn From Losing Big

62-7 is a pretty awful way to lose.  
One of the worst losses in the modern NFL.
Rough on the guys playing.  Rough on the fans that stayed up until the end to experience the full and amazing glory of losing big.  
Especially rough at 5 the next morning.
But we can learn a lot from the 2011 Colts.
  1. Circumstances can take us from high to low in the blink of an eye.
  2. Losses happen. Big ones. Even in the pros.
  3. When you're losing, you have the freedom to try a different approach.
  4. Every man (or woman, or child) on a team matters.  a lot.
  5. Busting our butts doesn't always result in a win, but not trying will guarantee a loss.
  6. Some people will leave our sides or get really mean when things get hard.
  7. Others will stick around and cheer us on anyway.  These are the people that are worth investing in. last thing that I might still need to learn....Screaming at the TV will not get a ref's attention.  Especially when it's on the TiVo.

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