Saturday, October 08, 2011

A House On Fire

I recently came across a very brief post from Seth Godin that crystallized the past month of my life:  You can't watch your parade if the house is on fire.

These days, I do feel like the house is on fire.

I am an introvert.  I need quiet time away from people and activity to recharge.  When my batteries get low, I fall into bad habits.  I see problems as overwhelming and impossible to solve.  I see myself as impotent, powerless.  I retreat.  I miss the parade.

I need to contain the fire in a controlled space, and then just leave it to burn itself out.  Maybe I'll even throw some of the extra crap in my life on it...the stuff that I'd be better off without.  The stuff that my family and friends would be better off if I didn't hang onto. more barriers.  no more fires in the way.  the decision is made.  back to blogging.  back to writing.  write.  daily.  and watch the parade.  and roast marshmallows by the fire as it burns.

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